UCU resource pack

This page introduces a FAQ and a model motion to support branches in putting forward a motion to prohibit staff from entering into intimate relationships with students over whom they have teaching or pastoral responsibilities.

Thanks to Alix Dietzel, Rhian Keyse and other colleagues for input into this document.

We have also provided a google doc version of the FAQ and model motion that you can copy, annotate and share within your branch.

Background and context

The Office for Students (OfS) has carried out a consultation on regulating English higher education institutions’ handling of sexual violence, harassment and hate crime, with their response due in 2024. One of the questions they have consulted on is whether staff-student ‘personal relationships’ should be monitored via a register of such relationships held within an institution, or prohibited entirely. While a handful of universities in the UK do prohibit close personal relationships between staff and students, there has not been a general shift towards such a position, and the impact of such policies is as yet unclear.

Our position at The 1752 Group – as outlined in question 11b in our response to the OfS consultation – is that staff should not enter into sexual and romantic relationships within higher education where the staff member has teaching, learning or academic/pastoral support responsibilities in relation to the student or is likely to during the student’s period of enrolment (for example if they are in the same department). Such a stipulation is already in place in other professions where professionals are in a position of power over other adults, such as medicine, psychology/counselling, or social work; in fact doctors are prohibited from entering into relationships with family members of their patients, as well as patients themselves. We also believe that more HEIs would take this position if they thought staff – including UCU – would be on board with it. And we know that some UCU members also support this position.

As a result we have produced this resource pack for UCU members who wish to formulate a motion to propose to their branch in this area. We have included a model motion (scroll to the bottom), and we encourage UCU members to amend this to fit their own institution’s circumstances and to reflect the concerns of their branch. We have given our responses to a series of frequently asked questions in relation to this issue, which we hope will be helpful in informing discussions within branches on this issue.

Please let us know if your branch passes a motion in this area by emailing contact@1752group.com.

Tips for taking this motion forward in your branch meeting

  • In some branches, getting quorate (enough members to carry out a valid vote) can be a challenge. Find out how many people you need to reach quorate and rally as many UCU members as possible to attend the meeting where you put forward the motion.
  • Prepare a brief verbal introduction to the motion outlining why you think this is important. For example, you might emphasise that this motion is about preventing sexual harassment by putting in place clear standards of behaviour; if a staff member makes a sexual or romantic approach towards a student, that constitutes sexual harassment if it is unwanted. Having a clear policy to indicate that this behaviour is inappropriate can therefore help prevent sexual harassment.
  • If possible, it is useful to have supporters in the meeting speaking about case work where this has been an issue, especially as other personal experiences might be introduced into the discussion 
  • If you anticipate resistance, consider putting forward a much shorter motion than the model motion above. The shorter it is, the less there is to object to.
  • Be aware that discussions on this topic can get emotional. In a meeting you will need to respond to any points raised. Try to stay calm and use our FAQ document to help with responses. You probably won’t convince everyone – but that’s ok.
  • After an initial discussion, your branch may suggest amendments to the motion, following which you can bring forward the motion for a vote at a subsequent meeting. This is a good way of making sure that the motion has buy-in from a wider range of members.

PLEASE LET US KNOW if your branch passes a motion in this area by emailing contact@1752group.com.